 |  semir...soz@nimbuzz.com

Install via mobile download

Point your mobile browser toget.talkonaut.com, and it will start downloading process automatically.

Install via PC download

Before you proceed with installation on Nokia, please follow these instructions to disable Certificate Check on your mobile phone:

1) Open Application Manager
2) Choose Options, thenSettings
3) SwitchSoftware installationto*All*
4) SwitchOnline certificate checkto*Off*

Transfer appropriate files to your phone, and install them according to your phone's installation procedure:
  Talkonaut for iPhone and iPod touchis available and can be downloaded directly from Apple AppStore through iTunes.
  Talkonaut1.apkforGoogle Androidphones (T-Mobile G1, HTC Here, etc).
  talkonaut-s60-3rd.sisxforNokia's Symbian S60 3rd and S60 5th edition based mobile phones:3250, 5300, 5320 XM, 5700, 5700 XM, 5800 XM (Tube), 6110, 6120c, 6121c, 6124c, 6210, 6220c, 6290, 6650, E50, E51, E52, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E63, E66, E70, E71, E90, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N85, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95, N95 8GB, N96, N97.
  talkonaut-s60-2nd.sisforNokia'sSymbian S60 2nd edition based mobile phones:N70, N72, N90
  talkonaut-s60-3rd.sisxforLG'sSymbian S60 3rd edition based mobile phones:LG-KS10, LG-KT610, LG-KT615
  talkonaut-s60-3rd.sisxforSamsung'sSymbian S60 3rd edition based mobile phones:I7110, i8510 INNOV8, SGH-G810, SGH-L870, SGH-i400, SGH-i450, SGH-i520, SGH-i550, SGH-i560
  talkonaut.CABfor Windows Mobile 5.x and 6.x.
For J2ME based phones please download:
For J2ME based phones with limitations on JAR size:
  mini version of talkonaut.jad
  mini version of talkonaut.jar
For Helio mobile phones, please open the following URL in your mobile browser:

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